Dreaming process

What is MTD

A mid-term Direction is a milestone towards the achievement of AIESEC’s vision of Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential.

It prioritizes clarity, alignment, ambition, measurement, challenge, and external relevance to guide the organization effectively. It ensures everyone is on the same page, fosters enthusiasm, tracks progress, sets ambitious goals, and showcases impact to the world.


Strategic Direction

Provides a clear path of what we need to prioritize at every given time.

Internal Alignment

Every structure and subsystem should share a unified definition of success.

Ambition And Excitement

Drive a culture of excitement and unity towards our goal.

Measure Progress

We should be able to assess and measure the achievement of our ambition.

Challenge The Organization

An opportunity to set ambitious goals and commit to it.

Ensure External Relevance

We can benchmark our success for the world to see our impact and value.

Mid term directions have been created in a 5-year interval since 2005.
Past Midterm Directions: 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025.

Learn more

Dreaming process

The "dreaming process" plays a crucial role in creating a mid-term direction because it allows for imaginative exploration, vision building, and goal setting.

Dreaming Process is going to happen during IC 2024. How exciting it is!
Until we start dreaming for the next MidTermDirection for our organization, we will have the preparation for it. We will have Side events on global level as well as national level, workshops, sessions, engagement surveys, interactions with stakeholders and many more… Just to make sure that as AIESECers we follow the value of striving for excellence and be fully ready to Dream for the next 5 years of the organization itself.

So we want to ask you, are you ready to create the future of AIESEC?

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Top contributing entities

Rank Entity
🥇 Tunisia
🥈 India
🥉 Indonesia
4th Nigeria
5th Ukraine

Side Events

These are interactive events and activities that will be delivered by the A2030 Dream Team and aimed at the whole Global plenary to ensure maximum contribution of global membership of all layers to the dreaming process!

Click to start